New Office Building For Egon North Queensland

Renovation of Old Queenslander House into New office on New Site.
New office and retail centre
New shop fitout
New building and internal fitout including Maintenace Facility

Commercial Architects:
“Around 85% of a project’s cost is influenced during the first 15% of the project’s expenditure, & therefore the greatest potential for cost savings occur in the early stages of the design process.”
Civic and Public Building Architects:
“Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.”

Extension and Refurbishment of Heritage Building

Magistrates Desk

Foyer and Seating Area

Main Entry Upgrade

Children’s Play Space

External Facade Upgrade

Renovation and Upgrade of Existing Heritage Building

DV Waiting Area

DV Registry

Main Entry

Domestic and Family Violence Staff Area

DV Staff Area Entrance

External Facade Upgrade

External Facade Upgrade

Extension and Upgrade to Existing Heritage Building

Detainee Cells

External Facade Renovation

New Court Rooms
New Design and Fitout to New Shopping Centre - Largest Cinema Complex in the World.

New Interior Fitout

New Building

New Classrooms and Library to Main Quadrangle

New Classrooms

Knowledge and Information Precinct


Main Quadrangle

New School Stages 1, 2 and 3

Community Performing Arts Centre
New Performance Hall

Multi Purpose Sports Centre and Emergency Evacuation Centre

Administration Building Stage 1

Knowledge and Information Precinct

Industry Based Trade Training Centre Facility

Knowledge and Information Precinct Courtyard

Education and Child Care Facility Architects:
“Our opportunity, as designers, is to learn how to handle the complexity, rather than shy away from it, and to realize that the big art of design is to make complicated things simple.”
Private Houses and Multi Unit Residential Development Architects:
“One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again.”
“People who build their own home tend to be very courageous. These people are curious about life. They're thinking about what it means to live in a house, rather than just buying a commodity and making it work.”

Hampton Style inspired Pool House which includes BBQ space, Bar, Lounge, Guest accomodation and Day Spa.
Renovation to Existing House
External Landscaping

Front Entry to Mermaid Beach Modern House - 10 metre wide Frontage.

Bar and lounge Area
Bathroom renovation

New House Living Room and Outdoor Area

Path way through Landscaping with view of Hamptons Inspired Cabana.

Stair and Entrance

Addition of Pool House and Guest Quarters to Existing House Ashmore

New House on Sloping Block in the Rain Forrest

New House in Rainforrest

New Two Story House

Renovation and Extension to Existing Single Level House

New Single Level House

New 2 Storey House on rural mountain property

Extension to Existing Warehouse and Offices - 50,000 sqm plus 2,500 sqm office extension

Opening Party

Ceiling Feature

Maintenance Hanger

First Flight Arrives at the New Terminal
Offices and Hanger
Maintenance Hanger

New Warehouse Facility for Goodman Group

New Warehouse Extension - 50,000 sqm

Aviation Industry and Industrial Warehouse Architects:
“ today, some developers are asking architects to design eye-catching, iconic buildings. Fortunately, I've not had that kind of client so far.”
Healthcare Architects:
“Architecture is not so much a knowledge of form, but a form of knowledge.”
Projects in the making……